Friday, June 24, 2005

Republicans ask, do we have ta vote for CAFTA?

Who would have ever thought that CAFTA actually might not pass?

I mean, I have some vague memory of some plan hatched in the top floor of the CC involving people dressed as superheroes who were going to be outside during lunch getting people to sign petitions, or something, that were going to like, stop CAFTA. Did people back then actually think CAFTA was going to be stopped? I wasn't involved, but I sure didn't think so. (That's not to say that I think, or thought, that all activism with a low chance of achieving its primary stated goal is worthless. I don't.)

Anyhow, the vote in congress is coming soon. And the politics are getting interesting.

From the front page of Wednesday's Washington Post business section, we have "For CAFTA, Party Pressure and Pork", which looks at some of those politics.

I'm curious, what are various folks on the left doing/saying about this issue these days?


At 5:56 PM, Blogger amanda said...

um, in case you hadn't noticed, the left has given up.

ok not really.

but, check out this interesting column from the washington post about how the lack of an antiwar movement has hurt bush's approval ratings. it doesn't so much imply that street demonstrations hurt the left, so much as that the right got very good at using leftist movements against the left, to build support for the right. quite an interesting read.

also, on the topic of current events, there was a voice vote on cspan today where the aye's clearly had it but the chair said the no's had won. grr. (i heard it on the radio so i didn't catch whether it was house or senate... my new favorite thing to do at work is stream air america radio)


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