Monday, May 15, 2006

Those witty anarchist-nerds

If you own a Riseup list, you get the pleasure of receiving occassional email updates about changes in Riseup services (along with pleas for money). I'd say that you should create a new list just so that you can receive their witty emails, but that'd probably be a bad use of resources (In fact, one time they sent an email encouraging people to close down their unused lists, prompting mattio to say that "i'm guessing that there's little difference in resource use of low-traffic listservs and no-traffic listserv, compared to the difference between lo/no-traffic listservs and no listserv").

Anyhow, from Riseup's latest email:

After careful consideration, we have decided to phase out insecure
connections to Don't panic! We will make this change gradually over time so as to minimize the inconvenience and pain. This change is kind of like switching to recycled toilet paper: it may be a pain in the ass at first, but you will be better off in the long run.


At 7:22 AM, Blogger  said...

you gotta love!!!!


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