Monday, March 19, 2007

You know you're on a bad flight when...

The AP reports: Airline Passenger Awakens Beside Corpse


British Airways said in a statement that about 10 passengers die each year in flight and that while each situation is dealt with on an individual basis, safety is paramount.

"The deceased must not be placed in the galley or blocking aisles or exits, and there should be clear space around the deceased," the statement said. "The wishes of family or friends traveling with the deceased will always be considered, and account taken of the reactions of other passengers."


At 9:19 AM, Blogger Forrest said...

Do you think they'd carry body bags? You know, just in case?

That opens up a whole new vein of training for the baggage handlers...

At 4:14 PM, Blogger mattio said...

that's a solid use of the verb "plonked" in that article...


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