Tuesday, April 17, 2007

About those U.N. troops in Darfur

On Monday, Sudan announced that it would allow the "second phase" (of three) of the implementation of a hybrid African Union / United Nations peacekeeping force. This is the "heavy support package" that will include 3000 UN troops.

Over the last half a year or so, there have been many news reports of "Sudan accepts this" or "Sudan accepts that," almost all of which turn out to be nonsense. Headline writers have been fooled quite a bit, and it's a discrace, actually.

This announcement seems more genuine, though I wouldn't but too much money on it. Even if all goes perfectly, which it won't, it would be several months before these U.N. folks arrive. But it's be a good step in the right direction if it actually happens.

Anyhow, today, the headline writers at the Post -- and to a lesser extent the NYT -- still couldn't get it right, grossly misportraying what was announced. The LATimes did far better.

NYT: "Sudan Drops Objections to U.N. Aid In Darfur". Front page reefer: "Sudan to Allow U.N. in Darfur"

Post: "Sudan To Allow U.N. Force in Darfur". sub-head: "Peacekeepers Will Aid African Union"

LATimes: "Sudan accepts limited U.N. role in Darfur". sub-head: "The world body will supply attack helicopters and command a largely African force. Diplomats react with hope and skepticism."


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