Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Bayh the way...

There's apparently a lot of 'chatter', as they say, about Sen. Evan Bayh being a top possibility for Obama's veep pick.

Chris Cilliza at reviewed the case for Bayh and the case against Bayh.

So some people think he helps out on the 'electability' front. But basically he's a DLC hack, a conservative Democrat on many issues, especially Iraq. As TPM noted, in Feb 2003 he joined Lieberman and McCain as the 3rd Senator to be a member of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq.

At, John Nichols argues against the notion that Bayh would do anything to help the ticket, be it in Indiana or Ohio or anywhere. "Few serious observers suggest that adding Bayh to the ticket would guarantee Indiana for the Democrats this fall. But to avoid embarrassment, Bayh and Obama would be forced to concentrate on the state -- drawing attention and energy away from more serious battlegrounds." And: "The parts of Ohio that decide presidential elections have no record of looking to Indiana in general, or Bayh in particular, for leadership. If Obama really wanted to carry Ohio -- and Michigan -- he would pick a populist with a better record than his own on trade issues."

UPDATE: You can join the Facebook group "100,000 Strong Against Evan Bayh for VP".


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