Monday, December 01, 2008

From the shameless self-promotion department

Monday's NYT was the first of the majors to analyze the appointment of Susan Rice to be U.N. Ambassador, which was made official later today. Peter Baker catches the significance in his article, "Choice for U.N. Backs Action Against Mass Killings":
She eventually became a sharp critic of the Bush administration’s handling of the Darfur killings and last year testified before Congress on behalf of an American-led bombing campaign or naval blockade to force a recalcitrant Sudanese government to stop the slaughter.

It's all true, and it's a point we brought you last week.

Over at NPR, Michele Kelemean misses the point about just how radical Rice's plan for Darfur was.

Also, Robert Dreyfuss caught one more interesting thing on Rice a few weeks ago:
In June, 2008, Lake and Rice took part in a WINEP-sponsored Presidential Task Force that issued a report called "Strengthening the Partnership: How to Deepen U.S.-Israel Cooperation on the Iranian Nuclear Challenge." That paper had a hawkish tone that suggested that the US and Israel must work closely together to deal with the Iranian threat, and it criticized those strategists who believe that the United States may ultimately have to reconcile itself to the notion of a nuclear-armed Israel. While the report didn't call for a military attack on Iran, it did portray Iran's nuclear research in the most dire light.


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