Saturday, July 17, 2004

How did your representative vote??

A few days after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) 14-1 ruling condemning Israel's wall in the West Bank (the one dissenting vote being the American judge), the House of Representatives passed a resolution condemning that ruling. That's right: boo to international courts, and boo to ever criticizing Israel!
Here was the breakdown of the votes:
Yeas: 361
Neas: 45
Present: 13
Not Voting: 14
Here's how they voted:
Rosa DeLauro voted YEA. Give her a call on Monday to let that mofo know what you think.


At 7:53 PM, Blogger Beth said...

2 "Present" (wusses)
3 Yeas

My rep (Defazio) was one of the presents, fyi

At 12:25 AM, Blogger Ben said...

Do we also have to name our state's flower, as well as it's motto, too? :)

MA's 10 reps were:

1 Present
1 not voting

Boo to that. Yet another confirmation that Massachusetts is not, in fact, liberal (as if we needed any more evidence). And in a commonwealth with four Republican governors in a row and a Finneran-dominated state house, it's our federal representatives who are easily the most progressive part of the state: all ten are Democrats, and nine of those are at least somewhat liberal. But not radical enough, it seems, to dare crossing AIPAC.


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