Monday, August 22, 2005

Partners in Peace. (?).

On Friday, UFPJ and ANSWER announced the following:

"The two major antiwar coalitions that have initiated and organized for a massive anti-war March on Washington for September 24 have agreed to organize a joint rally followed by a joint march. Both coalitions will organize under their own banners, slogans, and with their own literature for the September 24 demonstration. The joint rally will begin at 11:30 am at the Ellipse in the front of the White House. We urge everyone around the country to unite and come out for the largest possible anti-war demonstration on September 24."

Well, this is probably better than if it were otherwise. But who knows what kind of speakers we'll get. Perhaps if we don't pay attention to them we won't have to mind the praise for Milosevic, Palestinian suicide bombers, or whatever it will be?

The last big mobilization I was at in Washington DC featured Madeline "the price is worth it" Albright and Hillary (voted for authorization of force in Iraq) Clinton as speakers, so what could be worse?

One other note on this: I don't know the real history of the UFPJ/ANSWER tiff for this particular march. But I must say, UFPJ was not completely in the right. They said on July 14th that they were having a seperate event from ANSWER because they wanted to just focus on calling for an end of the occupation of Iraq. They said that though they agreed with many of the other issues ANSWER was supporting, they believed this was the time to just focus on Iraq. Say what you will. But then just six days later, they announced that "We are seeking a route that will take us past the headquarters of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, now headed by Iraq War architect Paul Wolfowitz. The IMF and World Bank will be meeting throughout the weekend, and we will be highlighting the close connections between their aggressive and destructive policies of corporate globalization and the larger empire-building agenda of the Bush Administration."

So, to summarize: UFPJ cooler than ANSWER, but still lame hypocrites.

See, You, In the Streets

break 2, break 0.


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