Monday, January 25, 2010

Michelle Rhee's latest scandall is growing

It was Friday morning that the Post's Bill Turque first noted a Michelle Rhee quote where she alleged that teachers she had fired had had sex with students. In the days since, the story is growing and there's still no word from the department.

As Turque put it Monday evening:
The vacuum created by Rhee's silence was handily filled by Rhee's chief antagonists on the D.C. Council.
There were 266 teachers who were laid off. None of them were ever formally accused of any such crime. Rhee's people say they will be announcing something Tuesday morning.

Mike DeBonis of City Paper further explores the mandatory reporter law angle:
Under D.C. law, certain people whose jobs put them into contact with children are called "mandatory reporters." Put simply, it means that if they suspect that a child under their care is being abused, they are required by law to tell the police or the Child and Family Services Agency.

Among those with mandatory reporting responsibility are "school officials."
Update: Team Rhee tries to set the tone for Tuesday by giving tidbits to NBC4 late Monday.


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