Blogroll updates
I'm sorry team but if you don't update your blog for like several months, I move your blog to the 'defunct' section. I think you know what you need to do to get it out of the 'defunct' section. (Yes, buy me chocolates, very good.)
I'm sorry team but if you don't update your blog for like several months, I move your blog to the 'defunct' section. I think you know what you need to do to get it out of the 'defunct' section. (Yes, buy me chocolates, very good.)
So I get this daily afternoon update email from the good folks at the Post. It's called "Afternoon Buzz" (really) and sometimes it's useful. But, today! There was this:
The Post has run several corrections recently on op-eds and letters. But it hasn't done anything yet with one of the biggest recent gaffes.
From the Post:
Former Washington Post reporters Bradley Graham and his wife Lissa Muscatine are purchasing the iconic upper Northwest bookstore, which has continued to turn a profit despite catastrophic change in the bookselling industry.
Series of tweets from David Roberts the other day:
I've really come to loathe the term "raise awareness." All the left's misunderstandings & dysfunctions are baked right in there.Sorry to be all depressing and all, but I basically agree.
Awareness is far short of *understanding* & ever farther short of *inspiration*. It is the absolute minimum cognitive state to shoot for!
But "awareness" is not a goal in and of itself. ACTION is. Changing behavior is. Awareness, in and of itself, is inert.
Implicit in "raise awareness" is the notion that awareness deficit is the problem & more information is the answer.
Now the NYT editor seems to think that James O'Keefe and Julian Assange are sort of equivalent.
This one is a bit borderline, because it touches on several social media services, including Facebook. Some of the previous ones have, too. So I'd like to make clear that my definition for counting is that the article has a focus on social media, with Facebook being a significant component of that, but the piece can also include a significant focus on other social media sites as well.
encourage school districts statewide to adopt policies regulating social-media use by teachers. The move was not as bold as an earlier proposal but still ranks the state as among the first to address such issues.In other words, Virginia considered doing something significant, but didn't. Not usually the kind of thing that makes front page news. But it provided a peg for the rest of the story, which looked at issues including sexual misconduct via social network.
In Dana Milbank's column today, we get this:
As thousand-pound warheads pounded Libyan forces, Obama was kicking a soccer ball, seeing the sights and watching cowboys in sequins.Really?
It was perilously close to George W. Bush’s My-Pet-Goat moment, when then-President Bush continued reading a storybook with children on Sept. 11, 2001, after he was told that the second World Trade Center tower had been hit.
Sure enough, it looks like the report (158 pages) is pretty devastating and covers a wide range of abuses. Here's the Times-Picayune story, or a shorter write up from ProPublica.
We found that many officers, supervisors, and commanders have a poor understanding of use of force policies.They found the use of force policy is lousy anyway (a new one is currently being developed).
NOPD's statistics-driven approach to policing appears to contribute to the strong community perception of bias in stops, arrests, and other encounters. Individuals we spoke with, particularly youth, African Americans, ethnic minorities, and members of the LGBT community, told of frequent stops and of being targeted, booked, and arrested for minor infractions. They consistently described how these tactics serve to drive a wedge between the police and the public, antagonizing and alienating members of the community.Of course, I don't mean to sound like this stuff is unique to NOPD. Because it's not. But the NOPD has particularly serious problems, and that's why the DOJ is involved here. I hope progress could one day be on the way.
He was awful.
We cannot yet calculate the political fallout from Hurricane Katrina and its devastating human and economic consequences, but one thing seems certain: It makes the previous signs of political weakness for Bush, measured in record-low job approval ratings, instantly irrelevant and opens new opportunities for him to regain his standing with the public.Broder was a defender of the Bush Administration, including its torture policies. He only turned against them once it was safe to do so (Greenwald).
Check out idigdc, a DC urban gardening blog by Ryan!
From Froomkin today:
The usual beef against Beltway politicos is that they spend too much time reading the polls. But to a group of progressives gathered on Thursday to talk about jobs, the problem is that the capital's elites don't heed the polls nearly enough.Survey after survey of public opinion finds that unemployment and the struggling economy are the most troubling issues for most Americans. But policymakers from both parties are madly pursuing a different priority instead: deficit reduction.
More in "Progressives Bemoan Focus On Deficit, Call For Stronger Job Creation Agenda."
Glenn Greewnald catches the NYTimes using the word "torture" again for waterboarding, after top editors have said repeatedly they will not do so. Of course, the use this week was in the context of the Nazis, not the US...
The Washington Post editorial page served up a new gaffe Tuesday in an editorial in favor of bag checks in the Metro system. In attempting to build the case for the searches, the Post argued:
... Metro remains an obvious and tempting target for terrorists who wish this county harm, and Metro officials would be remiss to ignore that fact. In October, federal officials arrested a local man in an alleged plot to bomb three Northern Virginia Metro stations.That's nice of them to use the word "alleged" -- but it still gets it wrong. The October incident demonstrated that there was someone, Farooque Ahmed, who was willing to work on a terrorist plot, and that's indeed newsworthy. But as for the targeting of Metro specifically, that wasn't Ahmed's idea. It was the FBI's.
But Farooque Ahmed, 34, of Loudoun County never suggested any attacks inside the United States, and the plot to attack Metro was hatched by government operatives posing as terrorists, according to court records unsealed Thursday.The Post's editorial page is either too incompetent to understand the facts or just doesn't care about them if they get in the way of making their case.
Saturday's Boston Globe checked in on the tenure of Scott Brown, not surprisingly reporting that he has made himself a moderate power-broker in the mold of Collins and Snowe.
The full extent of Brown’s evolution was highlighted this week when Obama — in a move that could help deflect criticism from states — endorsed a measure cosponsored by Brown to relax some of the biggest mandates in the health care law, including the requirement that nearly all Americans purchase medical insurance.Despite his bipartisan effort to change it, Brown said, he remains against the president’s reforms: “I’d like you to get this very clear: I’m opposed to the health care bill. I always have been. I’ve already voted to repeal it.’’
He said he sees no conflict between wanting a full repeal and cooperating with Democrats to make the law more palatable to states and businesses. “Do we do nothing? I want to repeal it and until we get to that point I’m going to keep chipping away,’’ Brown said.
The healthcare bill, of course, is similar in general design to one signed by former governor Mitt Romney. Like it or not, it's not progressive policy.
Yet Scott Brown is trying to chip away at it -- in fact, more effectively than most of his fellow Republicans. Where is the "moderate" part in this?
Similarly, the Globe notes that Brown was one of a relatively small number of Republicans to vote to approve the Start treaty. But the treaty was supported by the bulk of the Republican foreign policy establishment (the former secretaries of state, etc).
This is not a story about Scott Brown being moderate; it's a story about the bulk of current elected Republicans being very conservative.
There was one Richard Dooling, with an op-ed this morning in the NYT trying to be funny about civility. In the satiric piece, Dooling has this:
Later, reporters were allowed inside the institute to tour the facilities, which include padded quiet rooms and soundproof time-out cubicles where the likes of Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow were sequestered between shock treatments and remedial civility lessons.Get it? There are crazy wild extremists on both sides! There's Rush Limbaugh on the right, and Rachel Maddow on the left, and they're both extreme and uncivil!
The editorial was silly enough to begin with, but to class Rachel Maddow, or even Olbermann for that matter, with the likes of Limbaugh and O’Reilley, ruined whatever satire you had attempted. The art of satire means you have to look for real equivalencies to make it funny...I baited Dooling into responding on the matter. His defense was only to claim that she is "snarky."
The seat may have gone cold for a few weeks, but no more: the Washington Post's new ombudsman starts his gig today. Patrick Pexton, formerly deputy editor of National Journal, will be the ombud, serving for two years, the paper announced last week.